Earn $100* for you and your friend for every successful referral.
Learn how an FHSA helps you save for a mortgage faster.
Learn which savings option is the best for your financial goals.
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Envision Financial has partnered with Clover to deliver one of the newest and most reliable payment and point-of-sale solutions.
As a business owner you know that credit and debit card processing comes with a cost and those fees can add up quickly.
We have partnered with Clover to deliver one of the newest and most reliable POS payment solutions. Talk to Clover to get a customized and tailored solution and do more with your POS system.
Accept swipe, chip, and contactless payments securely with built-in Clover Security. Clover also has the ability to integrate with existing POS Systems.
Optimize your inventory with real-time updates and low-stock alerts. Keep your inventory organized and accessible with categories and labels.
Keep track of every order taken. If you have multiple devices, the Orders app records orders from every device. Incomplete orders are saved: you can open, add payments, refund, or delete an incomplete order.
Enabled to use WiFi, LTE and IP on one device. Use your Clover in your restaurant, on the patio and for deliveries.
Add your logo, website and personal message to your payment receipts. Customize tips. Print, email or text receipts to customers.
Track sales as they come in, wherever you need to run your business whether on the floor, at the office, or on the road. Information at-a-glance: from hourly sales and top-selling items to refund and discount volume at or on the Clover Dashboard mobile app.
Control employee permissions and manage employee shifts on the Clover or via the Clover Dashboard.
Access tools that help simply business tasks—from orders, bookkeeping and accounting, loyalty and gift cards, and much more.
To learn more, visit Clover's website.
We acknowledge that we have the privilege of doing business on the traditional and unceded territory of First Nations communities.
© First West Credit Union. All rights reserved.