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Direct deposit is a convenient and reliable way to access your money sooner.
Get paid on time everytime, avoid mail delays or needing to cash the cheque in branch.
You can access your cash right away without waiting for cheques to clear.
Deposits are made straight into your account, eliminating risk of damaged, lost or stolen cheques.
You can view your account details in online banking by selecting your preferred account and clicking 'Search'.
To access a printable pre-fill form, log in to online banking and select View Account Activity from under the My Accounts menu tab. Then, select an account and click 'Search'.
Once you've selected an account, you'll see View void cheque for Direct Deposit and Pre-Authorized Debit (PDF) as a link.
To access the prefilled direct deposit form, simply click the link and download the PDF. Then print or save the form and forward to your employer or payment provider.
Log in to your Envision Financial mobile app and select Accounts from the home screen. Then, choose the account you'd like to find direct deposit details for.
From there, in the top right corner, select the Account Details drop-down to expand. For the purposes of direct deposit information, you'll need to use your Full Account Number rather than your Login ID / Member Card Number.
You may need to download and fill out the direct deposit form, then save or print the form or forward to your employer or payment provider.
If you have a cheque for the account you'd like to set up for direct deposit, you will find your banking information at the bottom of the cheque.
Fill in the account details on the direct deposit form, then save or print the form and forward to your employer or payment provider.
We acknowledge that we have the privilege of doing business on the traditional and unceded territory of First Nations communities.
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Proudly Canadian